Departments have the discretion to refuse to reimburse expenses submitted more than 60 days after the expense was incurred. Travel expenses should be submitted for reimbursement within 120 days of the completion of travel. Reimbursements may only be made to the person(s) who incurred the expense. Per diem allowances cannot be transferred between travelers. As a complement to the list below, please review travel expenses that are not allowed.

Questions? Contact the Financial and Accounting Compliance Office, 515-294-3790.

Expense Types

Reimbursement policies, receipt requirements, and expense item options in Workday.

Actual expense for copies of conference materials or related abstracts and papers.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Related Links

Actual cost of a coach or economy ticket only. Business class and first class are not reimbursable unless there is a specific documented medical exemption.

Tickets should be booked 30 days in advance if possible, 14 days at the latest. Lack of prior planning should not be a valid excuse when requesting reimbursement for higher cost tickets.

Travelers should consider pricing flights that depart within two hours on either side of their preferred departure time or which depart at during normal business hours while on paid travel status, provided such departure times do not adversely affect required arrival windows.

To ensure proper use of university funds, travelers should arrive no earlier than 24 hours (domestic) or 48 hours (international), based on the destination time zone, before a business event and depart no later than 24 hours after the event concludes. Extended time on either end of the trip will be considered personal travel.

It is highly recommended that travelers use the Travel and Hospitality Card to purchase air tickets for university travel. ISU's contracted travel agencies are Corporate Travel Partners and Diversity Travel. Travelers may get information on flight availability and prices through a contracted travel agent. The T&H Card can ONLY be used with contracted travel agencies -- Corporate Travel Planners, or Diversity Travel -- or directly with the airlines.

Travelers can purchase airfare on their own and request reimbursement; however, reimbursement will not be made until the trip is completed. Those using personal cards can still utilize the contracted travel agencies or the airlines’ websites directly. The use of third-party travel agencies or travel websites is highly discouraged. Examples of these include,, and The Travel and Hospitality Card may not be used to purchase tickets through these sites and companies. In the event of customer service issues, transportation delays or complications, natural disasters, and national or international emergencies the contracted agencies can assist ISU travelers, while third party travel agencies and sites typically have limited customer service options.

All airfare credits for tickets charged on the Travel and Hospitality Card are property of Iowa State University. It is the responsibility of the traveler to report these credits to their CCM as the credits may be used by the university for future travel. This includes credits from the travel agencies, the airlines, and third party sites. This also applies to credits when personal cards are used, if the flight has been reimbursed.

Purchases with personal credit cards

When purchasing tickets with a personal credit card, the traveler assumes all associated risks. Should the trip be canceled, ISU will not be able to reimburse the traveler for unused tickets, as any credit would be returned directly to the traveler's credit card or owned by the traveler. However, for trips arranged through our contracted travel agencies, the university owns the credits. Sometimes, these credits from canceled trips can be applied to future ISU air travel, ensuring that some value of the ticket is preserved.

When making purchases on personal cards, the traveler still needs to comply with applicable policies and funding restrictions. Federal funds require U.S. flag carriers to be used. All air tickets paid for with federal funds must be Fly America Act compliant. Our contracted agencies monitor reservations to ensure compliance with ISU's policies and federal funding restrictions (if applicable).

Travelers may not select an airline for the purpose of obtaining frequent flier miles or other premiums that benefit the traveler personally and travel advances are not allowed for airfare.

If combining business and personal travel, it is the responsibility of the traveler to provide a comparable airfare quote. No reimbursement will be given without a comparative quote. Charges associated with personal travel on the T&H Card will be charged back. "Consolidator" tickets for foreign destinations may be paid by supplier invoice, even if not purchased from ISU's contracted travel agency. These cannot be claimed in the expense report as a reimbursement.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for all airfare, regardless of price
  • Acceptable documentation for air ticket claims on a travel reimbursement includes the entire airline itinerary showing names, fare class, dates of travel, all legs of the trip, and the amount paid. If the price paid for the ticket differs from the amount shown on the ticket coupon, the traveler must submit no more than the actual cost for reimbursement. An itinerary, passenger receipt coupon or E-ticket that does not show an amount paid is not acceptable.

Expense item options in Workday

  • Airfare - In State
  • Airfare - Out of State
  • Airfare - Foreign
  • Travel Agent Fee - In State
  • Travel Agent Fee - Out of State
  • Travel Agent Fee - Foreign


International travelers sometimes need to obtain cash at an ATM. This is reimbursable if documentation (e.g., a copy of the credit card statement or bank statement) is provided.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • ATM fees are not allowed on the T&H Card

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expense for luggage necessary for business travel. Additional charges to accommodate vacation travel, or for personal items such as golf clubs, are not reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Baggage Fee - In State
  • Baggage Fee - Out of State
  • Baggage Fee - Foreign

Actual expense for business travel. Additional charges to accommodate vacation days are not reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - In State
  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - Out of State
  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - Foreign

Related Links

Actual expense. Charges must be prorated if part of the trip was not business-related.

Use Procurement Services' links for Enterprise and National to get information on utilizing contracts that include coverages for Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and liability for no additional cost.

Visit the Risk Management website for information on renting cars from agencies other than Enterprise or National, including these guidelines:

  • If no liability coverage is provided, the University recommends the University employee buy the minimum amount of liability coverage available. Examples of allowable liability coverages include:
    • Additional Liability Insurance (ALI)
    • Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS)
    • Liability Supplemental Insurance (LSI)
    • Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)
    • Supplemental Liability Protection (SLP)
  • Purchase the optional CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) LDW (Loss Damage Waiver) on rental vehicles, per Risk Management. However, when using the university's contracts through Enterprise and National, the CDW and LDW coverages are included at no additional cost. (Collision Damage Waiver insurance sometimes is referred to as Damage Waiver insurance.)
  • Rent the vehicle "to Iowa State University, by ... (your name)."

When using rental agencies other than Enterprise or National, CDW and LDW will be reimbursed.

Other types of insurance (PDF) that are not reimbursable include (but are not limited to):

  • Auto Tow Protection (ATP)
  • Emergency Sickness Protection (ESP)
  • Extended Liability Insurance (ELI)
  • Extended Liability Protection (ELP)
  • Peace of Mind Insurance (POM)
  • Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
  • Personal Damage Waiver (PDW)
  • Personal Effects Coverage (PEC)
  • Personal Effects Insurance (PEI)
  • Personal Effects Protection (PEP)
  • Rental Liability Insurance (RLI)
  • Super Personal Accident Insurance (SPAI)
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection (UMP)

Roadside Assistance Protection is reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Car Rental - In State
  • Car Rental - Out of State
  • Car Rental - Foreign

Actual expense, only when necessary for university travel. Must claim only the amount not covered by insurance.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • COVID-19 Test, Vaccinations, Malaria Pills, etc.

Actual amount necessary for university travel.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • No receipt required, the T&H Card will calculate rates

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expense may be claimed when not already included in the cost of the ticket. Sometimes charged at foreign airports. Receipts often are not provided.

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt required for reimbursement
  • No receipt required for T&H Card

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

This practice is strongly discouraged, as it makes duplicate reimbursement more likely. Nearly all travelers have credit cards, and it is preferable to have each individual pay for and claim his/her own expenses separately.

When this is not possible, the paying traveler's own expenses should be claimed in the specific fields (e.g., Lodging) on the Enter Expenses screens, and the non-paying traveler's expenses should be claimed in the Other field, with an explanation in the Other Comments text box. If the text box does not provide sufficient room, attach a document explaining the expenditures as part of the PDF file of receipts. The explanation should include the traveler's name, relationship to ISU, and a breakdown of expenses (lodging, meals, etc.) per day.

Paying for another traveler's meal is considered a Group Meal.

  • See "Group Meal" section on this page

Paying for a taxi or cab shared with other passengers does not require additional documentation or explanation, as the fare does not vary significantly for the addition of other passengers. However, when there is a separate fare for each person, as with buses, airport shuttles, or subways, individuals should each claim their own expenses.

  • See "Taxis, Cabs, Buses, Shuttles, Subways" section on this page

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement, regardless of the amount
  • T&H Card receipt required, regardless of the amount

Expense item options in Workday

  • Spend category contingent on item purchased. Refer to the appropriate expense type to view the correct expense item.

Actual expense necessary for university business.

  • See "Telephone Charges" section on this page

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual cost of business-related film developing or photo processing. The business purpose should be explained on the reimbursement.    

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Credit card issuers often charge an additional fee when the expense was incurred in a foreign currency. This is reimbursable if documentation (e.g., a copy of the credit card statement) is provided.

  • See "ATM Fees" section on this page

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • No receipt required, the T&H card will calculate rates

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expense. May not be claimed in addition to a mileage claim. Usually only claimed for rental vehicles.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Fuel - In State
  • Fuel - Out of State
  • Fuel - Foreign

Actual expense of a gift when it is considered customary to present a gift to a host, especially in international travel.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the U.S. Federal funds cannot be used for this expenditure.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Travel Visas and Passports

  • Actual amounts paid for cabs, skycaps, bellmen, etc., will be reimbursed. Meal gratuities (tips to waitstaff) cannot be claimed separately as a means of exceeding per diems.
  • When claiming per diems for domestic and international travel, tips are one of the listed incidental expenses, and therefore cannot be claimed separately.
  • Tips of $100 or more require a signature, printed name, address, and Social Security number for tax reporting. This is consistent with our treatment of other taxable cash disbursements of $100 or above.
    • Exceptions to the Social Security number requirement can be granted for international travel, as the recipients are unlikely to be subject to U.S. taxation.
  • Excessive generosity when tipping is a personal expense and is not reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H Card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expense necessary for university business.

  • See "Telephone Charges" section on this page

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Internet (Business Use Only)

Laundry and dry cleaning is factored into all incidentals as part of per diems, therefore cannot be claimed separately.

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt required for reimbursement
  • No receipt required for T&H card

A traveler may claim lodging reimbursement if lodging was required. Reimbursement must be for a single rate for all domestic lodging unless significant savings can be gained by booking non-single rooms. Actual expenses can be claimed only, including mandatory taxes and fees. A final, itemized hotel folio is required as documentation. The traveler's name must be included on the documentation.

Maximum Rates

Iowa State University uses single room rates set by the GSA for domestic travel, DoD for travel to the US territories, Alaska, and Hawaii, and the Department of State for foreign travel. Because of dynamic pricing and other factors, ISU allows for travelers to claim up to 150% of the stated rate for a location. Rates are based on destination county in the continental 48 states and by city destination for other locations.

  • Both workers and non-workers can claim actual lodging expenses up to 150% of the stated rate for a destination. This means that the base room rate, taxes, fees, surcharges and other allowable expenses must be at or below 150% of the stated rate. Amounts exceeding 150% of the stated rated are personal expenses unless otherwise approved by the Financial and Accounting Compliance Team (FACT). To request an exception, please submit an exception request in Workday.
  • For example, suppose the GSA rate for a destination is $100/night. The traveler books a hotel room for $110/night with 7% tourism tax, 8% sales tax, and a flat resort fee of $20 per night. The cost per night includes $110.00 for the base room, $7.70 for the tourism tax, $8,80 for the sales tax, and $20 for the fee. The grand total cost per night is $146.50. Since ISU allows travelers to claim up to 150% of the rate, the traveler can claim actual expenses up to $150.00. Therefore, the $146.50 per night is acceptable.
  • Now, suppose the GSA rate for a destination is $100/night, but the traveler books a hotel room for $125.00 per night. Assuming the 7% tourism tax, 8% sales tax, and the flat resort fee of $20 per night, the total cost is now $125.00 plus $8.75 tourism tax, $10 sales tax, and $20 for a total of $163.75. Since the traveler can only claim actual expenses of a maximum of $150, $13.75 of the lodging cost would be considered personal.
  • The per diem and approved tolerance range are not an automatic allowance. Lodging costs are not reimbursed on a flat per diem basis at ISU
  • There are allowed exceptions as well where the traveler may be allowed to exceed the per diem and tolerance range.

Conference Hotels

Specific hotels designated for conference or event attendance may exceed the established per diem rate. Actual expenses still are reimbursed with a proper itemized final folio, even if they exceed 150% of the posted rate. All other lodging exceptions will need to be reviewed by FACT by submitting an exception request in Workday.

  • To claim, submit a conference agenda or similar documentation that shows the hotel you are staying in is above the specified location rate.
  • Documentation must be attached to the expense report, with a note in the lodging expense memo field.
  • With proper documentation, conference hotels are always approved.


All other exceptions must be requested in Workday using the Financial and Accounting Compliance Policy and Procedure Exception Request.

Other Information 

  • Charges for staying with friends or relatives are not reimbursable.
  • In-room movies, snacks, drinks, room service, and other personal amenities are not reimbursable. Charges for parking and business-related long-distance calls and charges for Internet service must be entered as Parking, Internet (Business Use Only), or Mobile Phone/Phone Cards, not Lodging.
  • Airbnb, VRBO, and other similar online lodging marketplaces can be used for ISU business lodging but cannot be charged to a T&H Card unless using Airbnb for Work. Standard Airbnb, VRBO, or other third-party housing rental marketplaces must be reimbursed only and be reimbursed after travel has concluded. Sign up for AirBnb for Work with Procurement Services.
  • ISU highly discourages the use of 3rd party booking sites for lodging. Travelers should be aware that these often have strict and inflexible cancellation policies which may result in the traveler paying out of pocket.
  • See FAQ - Lodging for more information.

Lodging Receipts and Documentation

  • A receipt or a hotel folio showing that the room was paid is required for all lodging, regardless of the amount. Most travelers will receive these at the time of checkout, either in paper or electronic form. In some instances, this documentation may need to be requested from the hotel, particularly if the room was booked on a T&H card of another ISU employee.
  • Lost or missing receipts: In most cases, the hotel will gladly email or fax you an itemized copy of your hotel receipt if you forgot to get one before you left. You may submit the email or fax copy to the Procurement and Expense Specialist.
  • Sometimes, when staying at a bed and breakfast or a very small hotel, they may give a handwritten receipt that is not itemized. In this case, simply write a brief note on the receipt that the only charges included were for room and room taxes. The intent of requiring the itemized hotel receipt is to avoid reimbursing for items such as movies, valet service, or meals claimed elsewhere.
  • When using a 3rd party booking website (such as,, etc.) to reserve a hotel room, the hotel will not provide an itemized receipt. In this case, please write a brief note on the receipt you received from (or a similar service) that this is the only receipt available. 3rd party booking receipts can be obtained after travel from their website. ISU strongly discourages the use of 3rd party booking sites.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement, regardless of the amount
  • Receipt required for T&H Card, regardless of amount

Expense item options in Workday

  • Domestic Lodging (Contiguous U.S.)
  • Domestic Lodging (Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories)
  • International Lodging

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

"Each institution must develop clearly delineated travel policies for meals and incidentals. Such policies may be based on an actual and reasonable costs for reimbursement, or on full or partial per diem rates, or on some combination of these. The maximum daily meal and incidental rates may not exceed the U.S. published per diem rates."

Per Diem Rates

Domestic Travel: Iowa State University uses the GSA rate to determine daily meal per diems for the continental United States, including Iowa (as of Oct. 1, 2023). Per diem rates are determined by county within the United States and travelers should use the county of destination to determine the per diem rate. Department of Defense rates should be used for Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories.

Foreign Travel: Iowa State University will use per diem rates set by U.S. State Department.

Determining Rates

Non-workers should claim actual meals up to the per diem for a location. Receipts are required for all non-worker meals. 

Rates can periodically change throughout the year and are updated annually on October 1st. Please check with the appropriate website resource for more information before planning travel.

Travelers must be in travel status, meaning either en route to or at the destination during a specific time to claim meals.

First day of travel:

  • Breakfast: must start travel before 8:00 AM
  • Lunch: must start travel before 12:00 PM
  • Dinner: must start travel before 6:30 PM

Last day of travel:

  • Breakfast: must be traveling after  8:00 AM
  • Lunch: must be traveling after 12:00 PM
  • Dinner: must be traveling after 6:30 PM

As of August 1, 2020, actual meal expenses can no longer be claimed. Iowa State University will pay out a per diem based on location of travel. This per diem is to cover all meal expenses, including gratuity. If a traveler exceeds the per diem amount, the overage will be either declined for reimbursement (if paid personally) or subtracted from the expense report (if using a Travel and Hospitality Card). Charges to the T&H Card in excess of the daily limit will need to be itemized and charged back to the Ubill using the personal expense checkbox.

This policy is to be enforced consistently. Individual departments or business units cannot enforce reimbursement of actual meals. Travelers can elect to decline reimbursement of specific meals in writing but must do so without influence from the department or business unit.


As stated in the per diem, incidental expenses may be claimed on any date that there is an overnight stay. Incidentals should not be claimed when there is no overnight stay. The incidental expenses portion of the meal and incidental expenses per diem rate includes "fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff and staff on ships," as well as "laundry and dry cleaning." Therefore, these expenses may not be claimed separately.

Special considerations

Meals that are provided by a conference, host organization, or event must be removed from expense reports. Per diems cannot be claimed for reallocation or reimbursement on meals that were provided to the traveler. Charges to the T&H Card in excess of the daily limit will need to be itemized and charged back to the Ubill using a personal expense checkbox.

In some rare instances, actual meals are specifically required by a funding source. In those instances, actual meals are allowed, and the traveler should use a miscellaneous expense item with an explanation of why actual meals are being claimed.

Gratuities may not be reimbursed or reallocated that exceed the per diem.

Per the IRS, meals not requiring overnight travel must be reported as taxable income. The Expenses Module will require an indication for taxable meals if there is not an overnight stay associated with the trip. It is the duty of the Procurement and Expense Specialist to verify the taxability of meals with no overnight stay. These are reported on W2 forms annually.

Travelers should not pay for the meals of other travelers on ISU business. Per diems are paid as individual allowances, meaning one traveler cannot claim the per diem of another traveler. The exception to this is an allowed group meal situation (see group meals). Do not use a T&H card to purchase the meal of another employee in a non-group meal setting.

Workday uses a percentage breakdown to determine meal rates, meaning breakfast is 20% of the total, lunch is 30%, and dinner is 50%. GSA, DoD, and DoS use similar calculations but occasionally have slightly different individual meal rates. The Workday rate should be the default. If you have questions or disagree with the amount, please contact Financial and Accounting Compliance.

Meal delivery services and gift cards for meals or delivery including but not limited to Grubhub and Door Dash cannot be reimbursed or reallocated if part of a virtual conference. Meal per diems are not, for any reason, allowed for virtual events.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75
  • Required for non-employee meals

Expense item options in Workday

  • Per diem meals
    • Domestic, contiguous states
    • Domestic, Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories
    • Non-overnight
    • International


All expense reports related to conferences must include a corresponding agenda as an attachment. Attaching the agenda provides context for the incurred expenses and helps verify the relevance of expenses to the conference. Please ensure all expense reports pertaining to conferences comply with this procedure. Failure to include the agenda may result in delays in processing or reimbursement.

Group meals are generally allowable in most scenarios that serve an ISU business purpose. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Group student travel
    • Group student travel refers to organized trips where students travel together as a group, often for educational purposes with ISU faculty or staff representation. The business purpose is centered around providing students with learning experiences outside the classroom.
  • Hospitality meals, which can include:
    • interview meals for faculty
    • recruitment meals for potential grad students
    • donor relation meals
  • Collaborative meals with non-employees

Putting the meals of multiple ISU employees on one tab is strongly discouraged, as each employee must submit their own expense report. Paying for another employee's meal may cause audit issues.

An itemized receipt and the customer copy is required. A customer copy of the credit card slip showing only the meal total and tip is not sufficient. The itemized receipt is required to provide the detail of what was purchased, and the customer copy is required to document the amount paid for the tip. If an itemized receipt is no longer available, the payee must complete a Certificate of Missing Receipt form. The names of the other attendees and the business purpose of the meal must be stated.

Alcohol must be deducted, unless charged to unrestricted funds. When alcohol must be deducted, you also should deduct a pro-rated amount for the sales tax and tip associated with the alcohol. If alcohol is charged on a T&H Card, the amount must be itemized to a personal charge expense item for chargeback.

Meal expenses for an employee's spouse (or significant other) usually are not allowable. Some possible exceptions include:

  • When the interviewee's spouse (or significant other) also is attending the interview meal.
  • When the employee is being recognized at a staff recognition function, attendance of a spouse (or significant other) is generally permitted.
  • When meeting with a donor couple, the ISU employee may bring a spouse (or significant other).
  • When attending a fundraising event, sometimes it is expected that employees' spouses (or significant others) attend.

These exceptions are not allowed for sponsored programs funding and do not extend to other family members. It is generally not allowable to either reimburse or pay for meals of parents, children, or other relatives. In any situation involving spouses (or significant others) an explanation is required to justify the business purpose.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for all travel and non-travel reimbursements, regardless of the amount, as they are considered a hospitality expense
  • T&H Card: Receipt required for all travel and non-travel reimbursements, regardless of the amount, as they are considered a hospitality expense

Expense item options in Workday

  • Group Meal - In State
  • Group Meal - Out of State
  • Group Meal - Foreign


All expense reports related to conferences or events must include a corresponding agenda as an attachment. Attaching the agenda provides context for the incurred expenses and helps verify the relevance of expenses to the event. Please ensure all expense reports pertaining to conferences or events comply with this procedure. Failure to include the agenda may result in delays in processing or reimbursement.

Mileage guides

Maximum mileage rates are updated when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) implements a change, typically at the beginning of each calendar year. Most trips do not qualify for the maximum rate.

If you did not record an odometer reading, refer to the Iowa or Out-of-State Mileage Guides. Online sources like Google Maps may be consulted for the reasonableness of mileage claims to out-of-state destinations. The official starting point is the location of the traveler's permanent office or home, whichever is less. An explanation must be included in the expense report if a traveler does not use the shortest route.


Tolls must be claimed separately. Gasoline usually is reimbursed only for rental cars, as it is less than the allowable mileage rate.

For travel on or after January 1, 2025

  • The default mileage rate increased to $0.35. The higher mileage rate increased to $0.70 per mile.
  • Travelers can qualify for the higher IRS standard rate ($0.70) if:
    • The round-trip is less than 100 miles
    • The traveler is permanently based off campus
    • The traveler was unable to reserve a vehicle from ISU Transportation Services
    • The traveler is not an ISU employee or student
    • The trip is to/from the nearest airport to where they are
      • If traveling to a further airport for the cost of obtaining a lower ticket, individuals need to document it was lower.  This includes Omaha, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Chicago.
      • Mileage to Omaha, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Chicago will reflect normal mileage rates for over/under 100 miles

For travel on or after January 1, 2024

  • The default mileage rate increased to $0.335. The higher mileage rate increased to $0.67 per mile.
  • Travelers can qualify for the higher IRS standard rate ($0.67) if:
    • The round-trip is less than 100 miles
    • The traveler is permanently based off campus
    • The traveler was unable to reserve a vehicle from ISU Transportation Services
    • The traveler is not an ISU employee or student
    • The trip is to/from the nearest airport to where they are
      • If traveling to a further airport for the cost of obtaining a lower ticket, individuals need to document it was lower.  This includes Omaha, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Chicago.
      • Mileage to Omaha, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Chicago will reflect normal mileage rates for over/under 100 miles

"Round-trip" includes the entire trip departing from and returning to Ames (or the official station of the employee, if based outside of Ames). For example, if an employee working in Ames drives to Cedar Rapids for a meeting, then continues on a separate trip to Mt. Vernon for a different meeting, the Cedar Rapids to Mt. Vernon portion of the trip does not qualify for the higher rate, even though this portion of the trip was less than 100 miles.

"Off-campus" means outside the city of Ames, and therefore unable to conveniently use vehicles from Transportation Services. For example, the ISU Research Park is off the main campus but within the City of Ames and able to conveniently use Transportation Services. Therefore, employees located at the ISU Research Park or other locations within the city of Ames would not automatically qualify for the higher rate.

Remote Work Locations

An employee's campus office is considered their permanent location, even on remote work days designated in a WorkFlex agreement. Employees must use the “ISU standard rate” (half the IRS standard rate) on remote work days.

Mileage to/from the Des Moines Airport

The origin point for the beginning of the travel event will be from the location where the traveler enters travel status. If the traveler departs from campus, then mileage should begin at campus. Likewise, if they depart from their home, the mileage should begin at home. 

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt is required for reimbursement
  • Cannot be claimed on a T&H Card

Expense item options in Workday

  • Mileage - Athletics Courtesy Car
  • Mileage - Default Mileage Rate
  • Mileage - IRS Standard Rate

Actual expense. Business purpose of newspapers should be stated on the reimbursement.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expenses - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

When the airfare and hotel are lumped together as one price as part of a package deal through Travelocity, Orbitz, etc., enter the full amount under Miscellaneous Expenses - Other. Include an explanation in the Other Comments field that the package deal included both airfare and hotel, and state the hotel nights covered by the package.

When the package deal splits the amounts between airfare and hotel, list the airfare amount in the Airfare Paid by Traveler field and pro-rate the hotel charge in the Lodging field for each of the nights covered.

Using a package deal usually means the hotel will not provide an itemized receipt.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement, regardless of amount
  • Use of T&H Card not allowed unless travel is booked directly with the airline or through ISU's contracted travel agencies

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel - Foreign
  • Note in memo field that airfare is included in package

Actual expense.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Parking - In State
  • Parking - Out of State
  • Parking - Foreign

Actual expense, if necessary for university travel. If a photo is taken as part of the passport application process, it can be reimbursed. Since passport applications now require a birth certificate with a raised seal, we can reimburse for a copy of the birth certificate as well.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Travel Visas/Passports

Actual expense, if necessary for university business while in travel status. Printing should be completed prior to travel if possible using ISU Printing Services. If in travel status, please contact prior to printing through a third party to get an exception approval. The exception should be submitted to Finance Service Delivery to be attached to the Expense Report.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel - Foreign

Some airlines charge extra for choosing a seat on the plane, which is allowable. Documentation usually is part of the itinerary detailing the other charges. Federal funds cannot be used for this expenditure.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Preferred Seating
  • Preferred Seating - Foreign

Some airlines offer additional leg room and seat width for an economy fare. The name varies by airline (e.g., American Airlines Main Cabin Extra, Delta Airlines Comfort+, United Airlines Economy Plus). Documentation usually is part of the itinerary detailing the other charges. Federal funds cannot be used for the incremental increase over the regular economy fare. Seat Guru and Smarter Travel provide comparisons of what different airlines offer.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required, regardless of price
  • Receipt required, regardless of price

Expense item options in Workday

  • Premium Economy Seating
  • Preferred Seating - Foreign

Private airplane miles can be reimbursed at the rate provided by the General Services Administration. Airplane nautical miles (NMs) should be converted into statute miles (SMs) or regular miles when submitting a reimbursement using the formula (1 NM equals 1.15077945 SMs).

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt required for reimbursement
  • Cannot be claimed on a T&H Card

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expense, excluding extra costs for spousal attendance or events that are purely for entertainment purposes. Reimbursements of all conference registrations (including virtual) can only be processed after the event has passed.

  • Prepayment of registration by an ISU Travel & Hospitality Card or Purchasing Card is encouraged.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Seminar Registration - In State
  • Seminar Registration - Out of State
  • Seminar Registration - Foreign


All expense reports related to conferences must include a corresponding agenda as an attachment. The agenda provides context for incurred expenses and helps verify their relevance to the conference.

For advance payments (e.g., airfare, lodging deposits, or conference registration) where no travel has occurred yet and the agenda is unavailable, please include the conference registration information, such as the conference registration receipt or conference notification, which shows dates and locations where the conference is occurring.  

Please ensure all conference-related expense reports comply with this procedure. Failure to include the agenda may result in delays in processing or reimbursement.

Actual cost of rental of a hotel safe deposit box required for business use. Storage of personal items is not reimbursable. If the safe deposit box was not an optional charge, please explain and it will be reimbursed.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Actual expenses for materials that must be shipped while in travel status.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Should be claimed in the "Meals" column and should not be used as a means of exceeding the per diems.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Domestic Meals Per Diem (Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories)
  • Domestic Meals Per Diem (Contiguous U.S.)
  • Non-Overnight Meals Per Diem

Services and ISU contracts

Actual expense, including tip, is reimbursable for taxis, Ubers, Lyfts, and other ground transportation when used for university business.

Travel to/from the Des Moines Airport

Taxis and Ride Shares

Normally, this is not the most economical option. Investigate alternatives before choosing a private ride service.

Personal Rides

For extended trips, travelers can claim a second round-trip ride to the Des Moines Airport if:

  • It saved an equivalent amount on airport parking fees
  • The family has only one vehicle

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - In State
  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - Out of State
  • Taxi and Ground Transportation - Foreign
  • Rail/Subway Service - Domestic
  • Rail/Subway Service - Foreign

Actual expense of business-related calls. If not detailed on the hotel receipt, a copy of the traveler’s phone bill must be attached. The Communication Technology Allowance policy limits reimbursement to roaming charges, minutes above the monthly contract, or international calls, or temporary access to services while on assignment. Phone cards used for international travel also are reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required, regardless of price
  • Receipt required, regardless of price

Expense item options in Workday

  • Mobile Phones/Phone Cards

Actual expense. Receipts often are not given.

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt required for reimbursement
  • No receipt required for reimbursement

Expense item options in Workday

  • Tolls - In State
  • Tolls - Out of State
  • Tolls - Foreign

Actual expense of business-related tour or mandatory conference events is reimbursable. Optional or pleasure tours are not reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Entertainment - In State
  • Entertainment - Out of State
  • Entertainment - Foreign

Actual expense if required for university travel.

Receipt requirements

  • No receipt required for reimbursement
  • Cannot be claimed on a T&H Card

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

Review Risk Management's guidelines regarding CISI international trip insurance before purchasing coverage on your own. Unlike Flight Insurance (not allowed), Trip Insurance has a potential benefit to ISU (e.g., the refund of the air ticket price) if the trip is cancelled. This can be reimbursed at the discretion of the department after reviewing what is covered by the fee. If it is primarily for a personal coverage, such as lost luggage, it benefits the employee and is not reimbursable.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - In State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Out of State
  • Miscellaneous Travel Expense - Foreign

In December 2013, the Transportation Security Administration began a program that allows low-risk travelers to experience faster, more efficient screening at participating U.S. airports, for both domestic and international travel. (The Des Moines International Airport is one of the participating airports.) Participants in the program also will not have to remove belts, shoes, jackets, or laptops. The $85 application fee is non-refundable, even if the application is denied. Federal funds cannot be used for this expenditure.

Receipt requirements

  • Receipt required for reimbursement if greater than $75
  • Receipt required for T&H card if greater than $75

Expense item options in Workday

  • Travel Visas/Passports

For all travel reimbursements, itemized receipts are generally only required for single expenses over $75**, with the exceptions of lodging, airfare, group meals, and expenses on behalf of another, all of which require itemized receipts regardless of the amount. Non-travel expenses claimed on a travel reimbursement (e.g., books purchased at a conference, or a group meal for an interview) also require itemized receipts, regardless of the amount. For all other expenses $75 or less, the university does not require receipts. Individual departments can choose to require their employees to retain receipts for all amounts but cannot require them in Expense Reports.

For non-travel reimbursements, itemized receipts are required for all expenses, regardless of the amount.

Receipts for group meals must be itemized to indicate if alcohol was included. A credit card receipt showing only the total is not sufficient documentation. If the itemized meal receipt is not available, a Certificate of Missing Receipt (PDF) form must be submitted.

All receipts denominated in a foreign currency must be converted to U.S. Dollars. Please see Foreign Travel - Foreign Currencies for information on sources for conversion rates.

Receipts in a foreign language should include a brief English translation provided by the person being reimbursed, as this will be necessary for the verifiers and approvers to understand what is being reimbursed.

** The $75 threshold for requiring receipts refers to when a receipt normally would be issued. For example, if the traveler parked a car for three days in a parking garage where the charge was $30 per day, we would expect to see one receipt for $90. Since the amount for that use of the parking garage was above the $75 threshold, a receipt would be required. However, if a traveler traveled to three different cities on different days and incurred $30 charges each day, a receipt would not be required, as these were separate uses of a parking facility, each below the $75 threshold.

All expense reports related to conferences must include a corresponding agenda as an attachment. The agenda provides context for incurred expenses and helps verify their relevance to the conference.

For advance payments (e.g., airfare, lodging deposits, or conference registration) where no travel has occurred yet, and the agenda is unavailable, please include the conference registration information, such as the conference registration receipt or conference notification, which shows dates and locations where the conference is occurring.  

Please ensure all conference-related expense reports comply with this procedure. Failure to include the agenda may result in delays in processing or reimbursement.