Post-Award Services

Sponsored programs are projects originating from financial agreements between the University and external sponsors that provide support or stimulation to accomplish a particular objective related to the mission of the University. The Sponsored Programs Accounting Office, as part of the Controller's Department at Iowa State University, provides post award services to ISU researchers, administrative offices, and sponsors. We offer the following services:

  • Establish account numbers for spending
  • Collect funds from sponsors
  • Issue payments to subcontractors
  • Advise on sponsor regulations and fiscal allowability
  • Prepare financial reports as required by sponsors
  • Provide training on post award administration
  • Verify cost sharing and effort reporting

Effort reporting is a process required by the federal government to verify that direct and indirect labor charges and cost share efforts to federally sponsored projects are reasonable and reflect actual effort performed. On February 1, 2011, Iowa State published a formal effort reporting policy that details effort reporting and certification requirements available in the Policy Library.

The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E) Cost Principles for Federal Awards is the regulation that guides the allowability of costs on federal awards. 2 CFR 200.430 sets forth the criteria for acceptable methods of charging salaries and wages to federal awards. The regulation requires institutions to have a system of internal control which provides reasonable assurance that salary charges are accurate, allowable, and properly allocated. Effort certification is the university's means of providing this assurance of effort to sponsors.

After July 1, 2019, effort certification confirmations will be electronically routed and confirmed to fulfill Iowa State University's effort certification requirements within 2 CFR Part 200.   An effort certification form is electronically routed within Workday to confirm the effort performed on federal and federal flow-thru sponsored projects from which salary was paid as well as cost-shared effort on any federal and federal flow-thru sponsored projects.

For additional information on the Effort Certification form and reporting process, see the Effort Training Manual (PDF).

These procedures are to be followed when faculty members or researchers will be leaving ISU and wish to sell or transfer equipment items purchased by ISU to their new employing institution.

This manual provides general instructions and procedures for ISU departments to use in controlling and managing US Government-owned property held by ISU. US Government-owned property includes both US Government-furnished property and property acquired by ISU where the title vests with the US Government.

The grant questionnaire that is to be completed and attached to JE’s for changes to original charges that occurred on an award.

This version of the ISU Costing Policy was created to ensure University wide compliance with awards falling under the provisions of Uniform Guidance.

The PI Costing Guide was created for PIs as a summary of the UG ISU Costing Policy for awards falling under the provisions of Uniform Guidance.

This version of the ISU Costing Policy was created to ensure University wide compliance with awards falling under the provisions of OMB Circular A-21.

The Subrecipient Monitoring Guide was created to assist PIs in the monitoring of subrecipient activities on awards.

Sponsored Programs Online Training found in Workday.  This course was created as an introductory overview of topics important to the post-award management of sponsored projects.


The below list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Please reference your award’s Terms and Conditions along with the sponsor’s guidance for the most up-to-date and applicable rules governing your funding.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH awards typically utilize Budget Periods and Project Periods along with competing and non-competing segments.  The Budget Period represents the period the current budget is issued for, while the Project Period represents what is known as the Competitive Segment.  A Project Period is limited by NIH to a maximum of 5 years, exclusive of no-cost extensions.

When NIH issues an award, the Notice of Grant Award will list both a budget period and an award period:

Budget Period: 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2025  - this is your current year’s budget

Project Period: 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2029  - this represents the overall Competitive Segment

When the Project Period ends, a PI may submit an application for a Competitive Renewal.  If awarded, additional funding for the project will be received and a new Award and Grant Line will be established.  The existing Award and Grant Line will be closed as of the end date listed and spending must stop.  NIH will not allow cost overruns to be transferred from one competitive segment to the next.  It is SPA’s recommendation that, when you know you will be receiving a competing renewal, a request should be sent to OSPA for an Advance Account number to avoid the potential for cost overruns on the prior competing segment.

US Department of Justice (DOJ)

DOJ awards require PIs to complete progress reports on a semi-annual basis, typically 30 days after June 30 and December 31.  These are submitted to OSPA for entry into DOJ’s online system, so must be sent in time for OSPA to enter them prior to the reporting deadline.

DOJ restricts the overspending of the amounts budgeted for either Direct Costs or Indirect Costs.  The overspending of either category requires sponsor approval or those costs will be disallowed.

The Sponsored Programs Allowability and Appropriateness Manual references how to know if expenses are allowable on sponsored programs at Iowa State University. 

The Sponsored Programs Account Training (SPOT) Manual references all post award financial management topics related to managing sponsor programs at Iowa State University. 


Below are names of reports found within Workday that can be used to manage sponsored funding.  A description of the information contained in the report is included. 

Finance Service Delivery also maintains a list of Workday reports along with a Workday Learning presentation introducing reports in both legacy and Workday systems. 

Awards Dashboard

A Finance Service Delivery knowledge base article exists with additional instructions for running this report.

  • Displays the portfolio of awards, portfolio of awards grant version, awards expiring in 90 days, subcontractor portfolio, ISU SPA Financial Report - Award Line Summation, and ISU SPA Financial Report - Award Line Detail. 
  • The portfolio of awards can be sorted to show those awards with overspent accounts by sorting on the "Unspent Balance" column. 
ISU SPA Financial Report
  • Summary by award level, then grant level for each award. 
  • Can be used when needing to look at the award by each grant worktag (award line). 
  • Does not download to the detailed level, can only be viewed in the detailed level.
  • To expand to each grant worktag (award line), to see individual object code level, continue to click on the arrow on the left. 
  • Report also summarizes going up.
  • Additional award detail information can be accessed going to the award header (denoted in blue text) at the very top of the report, right clicking on the "brick" and choosing to "see in new tab" option – this will display the award overall.
ISU SPA Financial Report – Consolidated
  • Summarizes by overall award family by object class code. 
  • Used to determine if the award is overspent by individual object class code lines, which is required by some sponsors.
  • Utilized to determine if the overall award is overspent by object class code level for re-budgeting purposes with the sponsor.
ISU SPA PI Unspent Report

A Finance Service Delivery knowledge base article exists with additional instructions for running this report. 

  • Similar to the ISU SPA Financial Report – but this shows an ESTIMATE of what is left to spend in direct expenses per award line.  This is not by object class code level.
  • This is to be used by PIs to help them ESTIMATE what is left to spend on direct funding for their award
ISU SPA Financial Transaction Report
  • Displays the detail of all expenses for the award life to date

Sponsored Programs Accounting Staff

Staff work remotely. For assistance, contact an individual staff member or the office (515-294-4569,

Marcy Baker

SPA Accountant

McKinzie Briggs

Grants Assistant

Jenny Burrell

Assistant Manager, SPA

Sarah Byrd

SPA Accountant

Andrew Combs

SPA Accountant

Kendra Cranston

SPA Accountant

Maddie Eden

SPA Accountant

Marcus Johnson

SPA Accountant

Ying Li

SPA Accountant

Troy Nichols

Assistant Manager, SPA

Christi Patterson

SPA Accountant

Shona Roberts

SPA Accountant

Lisa Shoemaker

SPA Accountant

Jen Thompson

SPA Accountant

Ann Thurnau

SPA Accountant

Taylor Weiss

SPA Accountant

Calli Zimmerman

Assistant Manager, SPA

Directory and Hours

Operating hours, locations and contact information for all offices in the Controller's Department.